My favourite philosophers 💭
I always really liked to make various kinds of "lists of favourites". While I don't think one should treat them very seriously, I do think that they are a useful way of structuring your thought. So while studying philosophy, I kept and updated the list of favourite thinkers that I learned about, mostly to read about them more later by myself.
Golden tier:- Heraclitus (6th–5th century BC)
- Parmenides (6th–5th century BC)
- ancient Taoists, esp. Laozi and Zhuangzi (6th–3rd century BC)
- Stoics, esp. Early Stoics and Epictetus (4th century BC – 3rd century CE)
- Francis of Assisi (1181–1226)
- Giordano Bruno (1548–1600)
- Baruch Spinoza (1632–1677)
- Romantics, esp. Friedrich Hölderlin and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling (18th–19th century)
- Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855)
- Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821–1881)
- Friedrich Nietzsche (1844–1900)
- Lev Shestov (1866–1938)
- Nikolai Berdyaev (1874–1948)
- Ājīvikas (5th–2nd century BC)
- Plato (427–348 BC)
- Xuanxue, esp. Guo Xiang (3rd–6th century CE)
- Augustine of Hippo (354–430)
- Chan Buddhists (6th–13th century)
- Gregory Palamas (1296–1359)
- Nicholas of Cusa (1401–1464)
- Jakob Böhme (1575–1624)
- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716)
- David Hume (1711–1776)
- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788–1860)
- Nikolai Fyodorov (1829–1903)
- Nikolay Lossky (1870–1965)
- Paul Feyerabend (1924–1994)
- Anaxagoras (5th century BC)
- Socrates (470–399 BC)
- Mozi (470–391 BC)
- Origen (185–253)
- Neoplatonics, esp. Plotinus (3rd–6th century CE)
- Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite (5th–6th century CE)
- Meister Eckhart (1260–1328)
- William of Ockham (1287–1347)
- Tommaso Campanella (1568–1639)
- Blaise Pascal (1623–1662)
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831)
- Lev Lopatin (1855–1920)
- Sigmund Freud (1856–1939)